Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Small Stone - 3- Piggies and Pansies

  I witnessed a miracle when I was very small. Mom and I were visiting my uncle's farm where a litter of piglets had just been born. The runt of the litter wasn't breathing. My mother immediately picked it up (it fit in her hand) and began rubbing its body while breathing into its snout. In no time, the tiny pig was wiggling, so she put it alongside the others feeding from the sow. That memory from childhood is still steadfast. What child doesn't want to believe that Mother has special powers?

My mother had a ceramic milk and cream set in the shape of a pig and her piglet. I still have that set. I display the piggies in the summer along with pansies, her favorite flower. Both bring a smile to my face.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Small Stone - 2- The Scent of Summer

wild roses along the trail

if you see a splash of bright pink breathe deeply
the fragrant scent of wild roses 
means summer has arrived

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Small Stone - 1 - Memories

I started this blog in 2011 to participate in an international Small Stone writing challenge. A Small Stone is a brief, mindful observation that may take the form of poetry or journaling. Some of the blog friends I made through the years of writing Stones use the practice to encourage daily introspection and creativity. 

For the month of July, I begin once again writing Small Stones. 
As is my practice, I often use a photo along with the stone.

Forget-me-nots blooming in our yard

Yesterday, we remembered a little girl, a neighbor child, who died as a 5 year old.
Her family visited with us - she would be 18 now - her class just graduated from high school.
Her 2 younger siblings (one born after her death) are beautiful girls, bright and accomplished.
We smiled to learn about the family's travels and adventures.

Later, when we were alone, I cried.
We will never forget that long-ago child even as we celebrate the living children of today.   

Memories both good and bad make up a lifetime.
I'm not sure what the lesson is, but I'm still learning it.

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