Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Galore

We no longer have
A long and expansive view
Snow stands in the way

Looking from my kitchen window, snow banks block views of the forest.
 More is due tonight!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Hope

A baby Orchid has joined our family. I hold it in my lap on the trip from the city. Its purple buds, like tiny fists, are still tightly closed. I watch it carefully, murmuring encouragement, changing its position, checking for moisture. As the wind swirls the snow into drifts in my yard, I await blooming.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Taking a walk, I have a sense that the lake, the mountains, the city, and I are miniatures under the great dome of the Sky.  We exist in a terrarium organized precisely for this time and place. All part of a  perfect tableaux, each element is fragile and fleeting but necessary for the particular moment. In an instant, the scene will shift and all will change.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I stand on a bridge overlooking Cherry Creek. To the west, the water is calm and to the east it is turbulent. Slowly, I turn my gaze from one direction to the other. I have these waters inside myself. They are both productive and necessary for the Life I live.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Winter Blues

watercolors the land
azure, cobalt, sapphire,
lapis, cerulean, slate, cyan
ice and baby and royal and navy

in sky and snow and shadow
the air tinged with a smoky hue
breathing in and sighing
I surrender to

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Emptying the mind
Random ideas collect
On old scaffolding

Recognizing intrusions
I blur the focus
On distractions

 Wreck along the Loneliest Road in America
Route 50 in Nevada

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last evening, we attended a Celebration of Life for five year old Chloe who died one week ago on January 30, 2011. Family and Friends gathered to cry and smile, remembering a child whose life was filled with joy and love. My Husband and I said goodbye in our hearts to the little girl and offered this remembrance of her:

A Remembrance  for Chloe

We remember Chloe as a confident, happy little person. She was a fairy child with wispy brown hair and dark-lashed eyes. She paid attention to her world - watching, listening, learning, and experiencing. She had a smile that made us smile, too. Ready for adventure - she was bright and fearless. Soothing her baby sister, she showed loving kindness. We have a good memory of her wearing little red cowboy boots and a big grin. But, she also liked dancing and crowns and the color pink. She liked books and birds and bikes. She loved her Family and her Friends.
Chloe was well cared for and well loved. She was a nurtured and cherished child. From birth to death she knew only Love. Chloe was surrounded by and filled with Love and that is what she leaves behind for us:                    

Child of Love
Little Person
Wispy hair
Smiles like gifts
Dark-lashed eyes
Watching the world
Confident and fearless
Listening and learning
Ready for adventure
Gentle and innocent
Loving and kind
Bright and bold
Cherished Child
Child of Love

Sunset over Ten Mile Range

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I will take a break from blogging.

Please see Live and Learn for an explanation.