Sunday, January 20, 2013

Taking a Walk - Mindful Writing Challenge

the sun warming our faces
we walk a wide boulevard
talking and holding hands
I see us through eyes from my younger years
when I would smile and point and say to my husband
when I saw an old couple strolling


  1. Oh, that we could see ourselves as others do, and many years younger. Lovely photo too. Cheers from Jean

  2. Yep! And now we are those people. (Are you better?)

  3. Awww... :)

    My hubby and I talk quite often these days about how much we've aged. We've been doing that since our big spring clean a few months back when we went through boxes of old photos. That sort of led to my "treatment" on Friday...when I realised a huge mole/mark on my cheek hadn't been there even 10 years ago. Sigh?

  4. Funny how so many years later, we become the sweetness of that older couple we admired when we were younger. A beautiful and fitting photo to go with your writing.

  5. there is something so rare and precious about aging together, what is that saying..."grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

  6. Sweet.

    Glad to be sharing the walk with the two of you.

  7. Love that image Zbarb. Going to be really cold here this week.

  8. Wow, you and your husband have really gone through a transformation in that photo!! I still look at those couples Barb and think about our future together! Love Di ♥

  9. Love the photo Barb, and ever grateful for the chance to grow old with my dearest.

  10. We saw quite a few Canadas fly overhead the other night -- North! But I think they must have been local because it's not a good idea to go north right now. :)

  11. Oh, this is so tender and touching!

  12. Beautiful, Barb. Heartwarming.

  13. So sweet! I love your words and photo.
    You see me reading this post with smiling face?
    Have a good day!

  14. Another bright start to my day!
    Yes, you would.

  15. Do we ever really see ourselves as we are now? Just keep walking and enjoying.

  16. This photo and verse belong in a greeting card; anniversary perhaps? :)
    What a nice, feel good post.

  17. Missed seeing this. It is the cutest picture--and sentiment. Hope you are feeling better now, Barb.


Your comments are always one good thing for me!