Sunday, January 26, 2020

Small Stone - What I'm Reading

I usually intersperse reading fiction with nonfiction. Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales is the first nonfiction I completed this year. It was written in 2004 but updated in 2016. It has some interesting information about all kinds of survival, not just in the wilderness but also in daily life. (Here's the gist: don't panic and let your emotions override your reason. Also, don't depend on anyone else to "save" you from a dangerous situation.) 

A friend sent me a list of 10 new nonfiction books for 2020, and from that list, I'm currently reading Physical Intelligence by Scott Grafton. I'm finding the information in that book helpful because he discusses current research on brain/body connections and includes footnotes.  He intersperses some rather dense information sections with some personal anecdotes about physical intelligence. I'm only about half way through, but his message seems to be "use it or lose it". The brain as well as the physical body (including nerves, muscles, and connective tissue)  must receive constant stimuli and must practice many intricate movements to remain in optimum condition for the challenges of daily living. I was happy to learn that physical balance is positively affected if a person continually practices in everyday life. Sitting on the couch is not a physical activity and will not lead to good balance!

Two other books from the list that I have as samples on my Kindle are You're Not Listening by Kate Murphy and The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal. 

Books are my One Good Thing today - and will also serve as my Small Stone.

Here I am, practicing balance and trying to survive using my new touring skis and boots.

Happy reading to you!