Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Small Stone - Beginning, Middle, and End

I have a friend who starts reading a book, then goes to the last chapter because she wants to know how it ends. I'm appalled. 
Would you do that? 

I want the mystery, the excitement, the adventure of not knowing. Maybe I try to figure out how the story ends and then feel surprise when it veers in a different direction. 
I like the tension of delayed gratification. 

Life is story, of course. I'm glad that we can't look to the last chapter or read the last page before we move through the days and hours and minutes and seconds of our lives. 
When I'm close to the end, I hope I think,
"That was a really good story!"

The photo is about stones but (possibly) has nothing to do with what I wrote previously. I took it at Dog Beach in Del Mar, CA last spring. The names on the stones are of beloved pets who died.
Their lives are over, but I think the stories about them continue.

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