Sunday, September 22, 2019


Thank you to friends who sent me healing wishes.
It's over 2 weeks since I fell, and my gashes are healed.
My wrist is weak and a little achy but so much better.
My body is still mending from hitting so hard so I'm still a little creaky.
I've begun walking again for exercise - just less distance and more slowly.
I'm also continuing to practice lifting my body without arms/hands from the lower step.
I saw how important core strength is when I fell.

Fall brings change to the high altitude landscape.
Temperatures at night go below freezing.

A skin of ice forms on beaver ponds.

Grasses in forest and meadows turn russet and ochre.

Animals forage and breed.

We saw a cow moose on a recent hike.
She had wandered inside a corral but easily jumped the rails to be on her way. 

The purple gentians are putting on a show.
I saw the first blooms in mid-August.
The saying is that when they bloom it's 6 weeks until snow.

In less than a month from my first gentian sighting, we had our first snow.
Rooftops and high peaks glistened white in sunlight.
It all melted (thank goodness) by afternoon.

When I walk into town, I pause and watch fly fishermen cast in the Blue River.

Aspens leaves are slow to turn, but some gold is appearing.
Autumn is a brief but spectacular season.
We've started our preparations for winter.
It will soon visit us, I'm sure.

Photo of Barb by Helen

I celebrate change today - my One Good Thing.

Thank  you for visiting!
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