Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's Happening?

fish swim in the sky
watery branches swaying
color flashing by


  1. Lovely and imaginative!

  2. Barb, This is a very calm and peaceful world.

    The earthquake happened in Japan. It was a sudden natural disaster, the earthquake off east coast line of Japan. Nara, where I live, is located in the west Japan. I am safe. However, I used to live in the east of Japan for 25 years. I have many acquaintances and some close friends in the area. Also, my son’s family, mother, brother and sister live in Tokyo. They have been suffered from the disasters. I have heard from my family and close friends that they were safe. However, all the Japanese have shared our deep sorrow. We appreciate the help of your country and the other countries.

    My English is not enough to express our grief, and gratitude to you all. Barb,thank you again for your deep sympathy to the people of Japan.

  3. Fish is beautifully taken pictures in clean, clear water.

    We have carp streamers swimming freely in the air in Japan. We celebrate Children's Day by putting up carp streamers.

  4. Haiku? :) Weird, but I have a recurring dream about fish swimming through the air. Maybe you know what it means.

    Have a great Sunday, Barb.

  5. How did you do this? Was the reflection already on the water? Very nice, Barb.

  6. I like how you used haiku to describe this photo. Good work!!

  7. Nice cloud and blue skies reflected on the koi pond.

    Beautiful shot Barb, the photo looks like a painting.

  8. Barb, I love this. It is as if you have seen with new eyes! Thank you
    and your photo is so so lovely.

  9. Beautiful photo but quite surreal. I find the news of Japan surreal - a world that is topsy turvy. Much nicer to contemplate your image of peace.

  10. A calm and peaceful reflection.

  11. Great photo. It does look like the fish have taken up residence in the sky.

  12. Reflection certainly has more than one meaning, thank you for these words and this photo.

  13. I love the image! it must be that I am so sad about the Japan tragedy that I keep connecting things with it...Kois! Japanese kois, we have 2 here at home and it just reminds me all the more of the incident.

    I composed a haiku too. I like yours a lot.

  14. A very interesting image Barb.
    Love Di ♥

  15. Oh this is fun. Playful photography!

  16. A stunning image Barb! Both sureal and beautiful

  17. This really is an incredible image. At first I thought, "Fish swimming in the sky?" and then pondered deeper to think of earthquakes and tsunamis. A topsy-turvey world indeed.


Your comments are always one good thing for me!