Sunday, March 27, 2011

Peace and Happiness

I saw an interesting sign today. It said "Be Peace."
It didn't say hope for, pray for, or wish for - it said "BE."

The sign also said, "Create Happiness."
I like the proactive idea of creating rather than expecting.

Perhaps if I can "be Peace" and "create Happiness," the World will change for the better.
I'm going to try.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi 


  1. How nice if we all tried to do that.

  2. I so agree with this -- you can't leave it to someone else. Great message, Barb. :)

  3. Hello, Barb.
    I truly agree with you.
    Very touching and great message!
    I am going to try too.
    How delicate this flower is!

  4. And me also. I like the picture of the flower 'Being' beautiful. For me nature
    is a great teacher of peace and harmony.

  5. wow...that's a message. i will try to be peace at least myself and those around me. i actually have a friend who is be peace and it is amazing to me to watch him.....

  6. I love this post. Stirs my soul...

  7. Wonderful thoughts to go with those luscious photos!

  8. So true. Each of us needs to live these things a bit more.

  9. The two go hand and hand. I will make an effort to practice both.

  10. I will take the be peace idea with me to school tomorrow after I dream on it tonight!

  11. I remember the song about peace, and would let it begin with me.

  12. A happy heart is a peaceful heart. I appreciate that you came to visit my blog! Thank you!

  13. What a great message - and it goes with your post about taking responsibility. I will try to be peace - we can sure use that in this world.

  14. YES YES YES! Wonderful post! The flowers are gorgeous - and the words are wise!

  15. Proactive choices. Beautiful reflection.

  16. O.K. I will try. But it will be a challenge!!
    Love Di ♥

  17. Wise words! Thanks for this post, Barb. I will work at being peace and creating happiness. I suspect that the more I am at peace the happier I will be. :)

  18. Thank you, Barb, for this reminder. I'll try to be so believing that change from expecting to creating will change the world.

  19. I really like the concept of Proactive peace and happiness!

  20. Seems to me you are already doing a great job of both! Keep it up... I like sharing your happiness. The message makes much sense -- I've already learned that nobody can expect anyone else to make her happy! And it makes sense thinking of peace too.

  21. Wise words, beautiful photos - what more could a visitor ask for?
    Be well,

  22. It seems so simple, that we would be able to "be" peace. I think at the heart of us--that's what we are. Peace. It's just those thoughts of war and unease and not-enoughness that tend to get in the way. Thanks for the inspiration, Barb.

  23. "be peace"...I like that.
    Your blog is lovely.


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