I woke this morning thinking about the importance of attitude.
Attitudes are formed from life experiences and from expectations
set in place from childhood.
Confidence hinges on attitude.
Happiness depends on attitude.
Resilience relies on attitude.
Attitude affects performance.
Well-being or dis-ease are influenced by attitude.
Attitude determines how life is perceived and evaluated.
I can be negative or positive - the choice is mine to make.
I can close mind and heart against all that isn't "true" or "right."
Or, I can open mind and heart to understand and appreciate nuances.
My attitude is the only thing in life that is totally under my control.
If I'm having a "bad" day - my choice.
If I feel frustrated, angry, bitter - my choice.
If I judge harshly - my choice.
If I hate - my choice.
(The opposites are also true.)
I believe it's possible to alter attitude,
but it takes mindfulness and willingness to change.
Attitude begs me to ask the question,
"Why am I thinking, feeling, acting in a particular way?"
Moment by moment,
life demands adjustment.
Attitude determines responses
to life's changing drama.
Snow adds whimsy to Yarrow which will soon be buried under white.
Nature hinges on change and adjustment.
The cycle demands adaptation.
Finding One Good Thing depends on your focus, your perception, your judgement.
Have you thought about your attitude lately?
Do you think it needs an adjustment?