Saturday, August 29, 2020

End of August - End of Summer

 The end of August at high altitude means the end of summer.

The forest floor changes day by day.

Nights become cooler - soon frost will appear.

My gardens splurge on one last burst of color.

We hike in early morning on trails we've used for 30 years.

We rarely meet another person.

August has been very dry, but today rain fell.

Our forests need moisture. There are 4 wildfires burning in Colorado.

dawn turns the trees golden

We continue to isolate at our mountain home.

There is no place we'd rather be.

We've enjoyed our gorgeous high altitude summer.

We're staying well and staying hopeful.

I hope you are, too.

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Friday, August 14, 2020


In 1966, on August 14th at 4:30 PM, Bob and I married.

As he waited at the altar, his lapel flower shook from nerves.

I walked down the aisle with the hem of my gown discreetly pinned.

(My mother's friend made the gown and misjudged the measurements.)

Rain pounded the country church, accompanying the soloist.

Bob's grandmother cried tears of happiness.

(I hope they were tears of happiness...she was a stoic woman.)

We made promises that we work hard to keep. 

Through joys and sorrows, we are still joined.

This morning, Bob said, "Happy Anniversary to my bride."

Somewhere inside, we are still that young bride and groom.

Today we celebrate 54 years of marriage. 

Still waiting - not as nervous....

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