Saturday, June 22, 2019

Wild (Flowers and Animals)

We're back in Breckenridge.
It takes time to adjust to the altitude.
However, most days, I get out and walk for exercise.

A cow moose traverses our property with a gangly newborn.
I don't try to photograph them because of stressing her and the baby.
I did take a photo of a yearling moose clomping down our street.
(I was in the car, going for groceries.)

We see foxes daily.
Some pass through quickly and others linger.
One tiny fox rests by our dining room window.

It looks inside to see what we're doing.

I hiked on Gold HIll this week with a friend.
Wildflowers are starting to bloom.

Meadows are spangled with yellow Arnica.

But, this morning we woke to white.
More snow is in the forecast.
Winter infringes on summer.

Wildflowers, and wild things (and, yes, even white!) make me smile today.
Always One Good Thing!

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Goodbye to the Beach

the ever-changing seascape:

After spending over a month at the beach, we soon return to Breckenridge.

I benefited from the sights and sounds and experiences of this time away,
The vast ocean landscape is imprinted on my memory.
I wonder if I'll hear the sound of the surf in my dreams at my mountain home?

I'm grateful for this time away to rejuvenate and reflect.
I'm also grateful to return to the mountains that I love.

Peace and Love abide with you.

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